Wednesday 8 February 2012

A Letter

What is the most symbolic form of love for you? Is it a gift? Flowers? Chocolates?

For me, it's a letter. A letter where everything you feel is put into words and sometimes beyond that. A letter may not be as long as what you feel, but it's as deep as what you feel. It's the most effective way of treasuring a person and making that person feel better, because letters are made by careful thinking. In the process of writing a letter, people think thoroughly of what they should write. There is always the determination in the heart that the letter one is writing should make the person happy.

When writing a letter, I put my whole heart in it. Every letter I give is written in my best effort. I always wish that while writing the letter, I will be able to let the person feel very happy or even over-joyed when the person reads it. So, for me, letters are very important, they're like treasures disguised in words.

It's almost Valentine's Day. Why not write a letter to the person you love very much? ^_^ Goodluck!


  1. I like this post! I like this very much. It must be because I also like receiving letters. I actually have a box of them. Cards, letters and notes all hidden safely somewhere. Haha. Not that they are something illegal or what but I hide them so that some days in my life, I would open it up again and read each and everyone of them. ^_^

  2. That's a very very good idea. I have that too. ^^
