Wednesday 28 October 2015

Night Sky

Every night, I watch the stars through the window wide open. As the night breeze catches me on 26th floor, I can't help but think about how relaxing it is---how a night is better slept with soft music and instrumentals, and just think your problems away. Tis' the night sky. Tis' the stars. Tis' Heaven.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Go Where The Few Go

I always wanted to explore the world we live in. The wilderness, the mountains, the beaches. I always wanted to travel to places where I could quietly ponder about the environment, and about life. I have too much of the city, and although this is my home, there's nothing better than to have time outs. I wanna go hiking in the mountains, or scouting in the forest, by my own or with other people. I always had that thirst to have adventure, not only for the thrills, but for self realizations also.

I don't want to visit places covered in concrete and beautiful buildings making up the scenery. I don't wanna go out of town or country and proceed to luxury entertainment and hotels. I wanna go out on places with less people, and more nature. Camping, fishing, hiking, and running out there. Somewhere like Alaska, or Australian desert, or the Himalayas, or even the forests of Northern America. Someday, I will.

Thursday 1 October 2015

A Moment to Notice

It happened once, an ordinary day going home after work. The streets were busy and I was there, in a jeep in the middle. In the edge of the jeepney where I sitted, opposite accross me face-to-face was an innocent-looking girl about my age. She was wearing her working uniform and she was also on the way home. I looked at her, knowing we were taking turns on sleeping and waking up for a couple of minutes. She has a very beautiful smile. The questions of she having a suitor or boyfriend only appeared to me in a split second, 'cause I knew, we are only strangers. But once in that moment, I had imagined, what if she noticed me the way I noticed her? Would I have enough courage to talk to her? Would it have been a chance to know her? Was it fate, or a missed opportunity? Was it right, or a big mistake? Thoughts like these went up to my consciousness. But all I knew was, she was one of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I don't know if I will ever see her again. But I'm always hoping, maybe one day, in that same jeepney, on that same rush hour, I will see her again, sitted accross me, quietly just taking a nap.

Friday 14 November 2014

The Me Now

Well, here I am. Done in China, passed the HSK6, and engaged in working life. How is working?

I would say you would only use 20% of what you learned in college in working. What the...Why?! Because working does not demand your full knowledge, but demands your attentiveness in routine. How? You do the same thing everyday, and get bored almost everyday. That's work!

But the fun thing is,  although with the same routine, I experience different kinds of fun or trouble everyday! I am a teacher, and teaching isn't boring for me. It's actually fun, not because of the things you teach, but because of what happens to the students everyday. There are fights, or mood swings everytime everywhere. Some days they're behaved, some days they're like wild animals. Haha! But that's what's fun about being a teacher! So, the question I ask myself now is: What will happen today? :)

Tuesday 15 October 2013

I'm Her #1 Fan

There is this one person in my life that I respect, love, and salute on. I can say that she is the bravest person I have met in my life. She is kind, responsible, generous, loving, caring, and most of all she is willing to sacrifice everything for me and my family. All my life I have never hated her or even kept an anger at her. She guided me well all my childhood days up to my teenage days. At times when I’m naughty and misbehaving, in times that I’m not listening and messing things up, she never shouted at me or hitted me with something. She never physically hurted me.
Because my father is someone I can’t count on to, my mom has been the one working for us since my childhood days. Although I remember my dad working once, It’s only my mom whom I have memories of someone working early and coming home tired. I can still remember every time my mom comes back home. I can always remember her tired face when she opens the back door of our house.
There was never a birthday she didn’t greet me. Even though I was in another place, she always finds a way to let me hear her greeting. To tell you the truth, this person really amazes me. Sometimes, I think, can anyone really be like her?
For me, no prize can equal the amount of effort she puts for us to have a good life. Since my childhood, even though she was tired from work, she always tried to do her best to tutor us and help us with our homeworks. Not only me, but also the two of my brothers.

I’m proud to call this person “My Mom. The best Mom in the World.”