Sunday 11 October 2015

Go Where The Few Go

I always wanted to explore the world we live in. The wilderness, the mountains, the beaches. I always wanted to travel to places where I could quietly ponder about the environment, and about life. I have too much of the city, and although this is my home, there's nothing better than to have time outs. I wanna go hiking in the mountains, or scouting in the forest, by my own or with other people. I always had that thirst to have adventure, not only for the thrills, but for self realizations also.

I don't want to visit places covered in concrete and beautiful buildings making up the scenery. I don't wanna go out of town or country and proceed to luxury entertainment and hotels. I wanna go out on places with less people, and more nature. Camping, fishing, hiking, and running out there. Somewhere like Alaska, or Australian desert, or the Himalayas, or even the forests of Northern America. Someday, I will.

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