Monday, 2 July 2012

I'm Waiting For You, Lord

Lord, I'm waiting for you. Obeying your every command. While I'm waiting, I will worship you. I'll continue to strive for you. To never fail as a Christian. I will wait for your coming oh Lord, and continue to follow your footsteps. You are so good. You are the greatest. I will continue to praise your name and spread it to all the people in this world, so that they will know you and they will proclaim your name.

For those who are in the right spirits long for your coming. They long for your embrace. They long for answers that they can;t find in this world. They feel that they don't belong to the world, and they feel the right thing, for you chose them out of the world. And I want to proclaim your name to them oh Lord, so that they will know the truth about life. about how to live a life controlled by you. Where your children all belong.

Lord, I wanna be found in you. When the lights fade, I wanna be found in you. All I wanna be, is to be with you. ^^

Let Us Rejoice! For Jesus Is Alive :)

Many of the people in this world still don't know that Jesus is alive. Some may have heard, but they still haven't believed. They have closed their eyes even when they can see. They have became deaf even when they can hear. How would they believe if they even don't wanna listen?

Jesus Christ is alive. He was resurrected and He has defeated death. He showed us how great God is. He healed. He performed great miracles. But still, some didn't believe. The world is cruel and the world is full of evil, but as believers, we are called to be strong and steadfast. For the Lord's coming is near. Jesus told us the truth, that He's there in heaven looking at us, guiding us everyday. And He's even in our hearts. In each of us, He made His home, as part of His body. We don't deserve Him, but He sacrificed Himself for us, in order for us to be saved. For we all were supposed to fall in hell in the past, but Jesus saved us for His love for us is so great. Greater than the universe. Jesus Christ is alive. And He's calling you to come back to Him. :)

Sunday, 1 July 2012

I'm Diving In For God

God calls us all to be His children. He wants us to go back to Him, to the one who created us. We are like lost sheep, and we were found again. God loves us, and He never wants to let go of us. Even if we try to go away from Him, He will always look for us. Like a father finding his lost child, God loves us so much that even if we persecute Him and say bad things about Him, He will still accept us with open arms. How great is our God everyone! How great is He who created us! Praise be all to Him, all to Him alone. We were lost, and now we were found.

So my brothers and sisters, let us repent our sins. Let us go back to our real father, and embrace Him with all our heart and all our soul. ^_^

God rescues us from dying inside. He will help us win our battles in life. He will lead us away from all troubles of this cruel world. God is good, He is so good. :) Come back to Him, and you'll see how good He is too. :)

There's No Need to be Afraid

In sharing what we know about Jesus, there are times that we feel we are crushed and we are afraid to go on. We feel that everyone is stopping us and they begin feeling that we are weird. But that is the time when you'll know who your true friends are.

For me, I'm a proud Christian. I boast not for myself, but for God. That I am happy I am His child. I want to inspire others to not be afraid to preach and to spread God's word. For He will protect us from embarrassment and humiliation. He will guide us to people whom He want to share the gospel. With Jesus in our life, as we proclaim His name to other people and even to our enemies, He will help us in saying the right words. And Paul, Jesus' apostle, told us that we should do everything with love. For the perfection of love casts away fear. So we should not be afraid if we love God. We should not be humiliated. If you truly love Him, do all things good without fear. Do what is right. And help other Christians grow. Be with other Christians. Inspire them. Be happy with God's word. And He will give you the best life. The life that you deserve. And His everlasting grace. God is the greatest. God is everything. He is the best. And we are hungry for Him. We are lost without Him. He is... and He is everything.

God Bless you. ^^